Tempête dans l’Ordre de Malte. Deux lettres pour et contre, de deux chevaliers de premier plan

(S.M.) La let­tre des trei­ze pré­si­den­ts natio­naux de l’Ordre de Malte envoyée au Pape pour qu’il arrê­te la réfor­me vou­lue par lui, une let­tre ren­due publi­que il y a trois jours par Settimo Cielo, a jeté de l’huile sur le feu du con­flit inter­ne à l’ordre.

Ce qui a le plus irri­té a été l’affirmation des signa­tai­res de la let­tre de repré­sen­ter « 90% de l’œuvre effec­tuée par l’Ordre dans le mon­de ».

En effet, par­mi les asso­cia­tions natio­na­les qui ont signé la let­tre au Pape, il man­que l’association Italienne et des États-Unis, qui à elles seu­les comp­tent envi­ron 7.000 che­va­liers et dames sur un total de 13.000, soit 60% des mem­bres de l’Ordre.

En outre, cer­tains font remar­quer que l’Italie a un poids impor­tant notam­ment dans tou­te la vie admi­ni­stra­ti­ve de l’Ordre, qui repo­se­rait pré­ci­sé­ment sur les ren­tes issues du patri­moi­ne ita­lien.

De leur côté, les signa­tai­res de la let­tre objec­tent vou­loir repré­sen­ter non pas tant les mem­bres ou le patri­moi­ne de l’Ordre mais les opé­ra­teurs de ter­rain à son ser­vi­ce, qu’ils soient volon­tai­res ou employés, qui sont en effet plus nom­breux dans des pays com­me l’Allemagne, la France, la Hongrie ou la Grande Bretagne, com­me on peut le voir dans le gra­phi­que publié par Settimo Cielo avec la let­tre.

Dans tous les cas, les que­stions sou­le­vées dans la let­tre au Pape ne con­cer­ne pas les nom­bres mais le fond puisqu’elles visent les cri­tè­res qui ont inspi­ré la nou­vel­le con­sti­tu­tion de l’Ordre de Malte, com­me le prou­vent les deux let­tres sui­van­tes publiées ci-dessous dans leur lan­gue ori­gi­na­le.

Dans la pre­miè­re, un mem­bre influent de l’Ordre, l’Allemand Ernst von Freyberg, ancien pré­si­dent de l’IOR, l’Institut pour les Œuvres de Religion, la « ban­que » du Vatican, inci­te les mem­bres de l’Ordre à écri­re eux aus­si au Pape, en s’associant à la deman­de des trei­ze pré­si­den­ts natio­naux d’une pro­fon­de réé­cri­tu­re du nou­veau pro­jet de con­sti­tu­tion.

Dans la secon­de, envoyée à Settimo Cielo, un émi­nent che­va­lier ita­lien avan­ce des objec­tions à la let­tre des trei­ze pré­si­den­ts, sans pour autant se pri­ver de cri­ti­quer les prin­ci­pes qui ont inspi­ré la réfor­me en chan­tier.


Dear Fra’ John [Dunlap], dear Albrecht [von Boeselager], dear Consoeurs, dear Confrères,

In February 2018 most of us met for the International Strategic Seminar on the Constitutional Reform of the Sovereign Order of Malta. More than 140 Knights and Dames from around the world were cho­sen by the Grand Magistry to repre­sent the mem­bers of the Order and to start the Reform of our belo­ved Order of Malta. I am wri­ting to you today as I chai­red Working Group 10 and ser­ved as Secretary to the group draf­ting the Summary Conclusions of the Seminar and pre­sen­ting them on 11 February 2018 to the full assem­bly. Enclosed you will find the­se Summary Conclusions for the Reform as they were agreed then. They express the inten­tions of the group of repre­sen­ta­ti­ve mem­bers of the Order of Malta assem­bled in 2018 for the cour­se of the Reform.

Since the 2018 Seminar the reform pro­cess has been pur­sued without a repre­sen­ta­ti­ve group of the mem­bers of our Order and on a rou­te com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent from the one set out in the Summary Conclusions in 2018. We are now con­fron­ted with a Constitution draf­ted outsi­de the Order and having at its core the direct or indi­rect trans­fer of the respon­si­bi­li­ties and powers of the appr. 13.000 lay mem­bers and the National Associations to the Professed, a small group of around 40 men. While the­se 40 men are pro­mo­ted to be the “nucleo essen­zia­le” dell’Ordine (Art.9) the bulk of the lay mem­bers (Third Class – appr. 13.000) are demo­ted to asso­cia­ted “fede­li lai­ci” (Art. 51).  The Sovereignty is signi­fi­can­tly redu­ced and trans­fer­red to the Holy See (Art. 5). To ope­ra­te this mas­si­ve trans­fer of power the num­ber of arti­cles in the Constitution has tri­pled to 113 from 37 in today’s Constitution. Enclosed you will find a ver­sion of this new draft Constitution cir­cu­la­ted recen­tly.

Contrary to all cur­rent deve­lo­p­men­ts in the Catholic Church this draft Constitution pro­po­ses a mas­si­ve trans­fer of respon­si­bi­li­ty from the Lay Members (around 13.000) who work in and lead the Works to the Professed mem­bers (around 40). Contrary to our tra­di­tion and the rea­li­ty of our Works, this draft Constitution redu­ces the vast majo­ri­ty of the Lay Members to asso­cia­ted “fede­li lai­ci”. It brings to mind what Pope Francis said: “Clericalism ari­ses from an eli­ti­st and exclu­si­vi­st vision of voca­tion, that inter­pre­ts the mini­stry recei­ved as a power to be exer­ci­sed rather than as a free and gene­rous ser­vi­ce to be given” (Pope Francis’ Address to the Synod Fathers at Opening of Synod 2018 on Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment).

A group of 13 Presidents which are respon­si­ble for the vast majo­ri­ty of the Works of our belo­ved Order have writ­ten on Friday to the Holy Father. You will find their let­ter enclo­sed. The Works are at the core of our Order; sin­ce the re-creation of our Order in its pre­sent form in the 19th cen­tu­ry, all of the­se Works have been foun­ded and are run by the lay mem­bers of our Order. Most recen­tly, their impor­tan­ce for hel­ping the poor and the sick was again evi­dent when the Works of the Order of Malta came from Poland, the Ukraine and around the world to sup­port the war vic­tims.

There are three issues I would like to rai­se with you:

1. I would like to pro­po­se that the reform of the Order is put back into the hands of a repre­sen­ta­ti­ve group of its mem­bers. The 2018 Seminar sho­wed that the­re are many valid obser­va­tions and opi­nions for the Reform of our belo­ved Order. Our expe­rien­ce in 2018 also sho­wed, that discus­sing and deci­ding the­se issues in a group of repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of all mem­bers is pos­si­ble and a bet­ter way for our Order to rise to the chal­len­ges of the 21st cen­tu­ry.

2. It will be hel­p­ful for the lea­der­ship of our Order as well as for other mem­bers to know your posi­tion on the reform pro­cess. Would a second International Strategic Seminar on the Constitutional and Spiritual Reform of the Sovereign Order of Malta be the right way for­ward? This could be the good pla­ce to discuss the dif­fe­rent draf­ts put for­ward over the last two years and add the mem­bers pro­spec­ti­ve.

3. And final­ly, for tho­se of us who­se Presidents have writ­ten to the Holy Father: Our Presidents need our sup­port.  If you were wil­ling to sup­port the call for restar­ting the Reform Process, you can wri­te direc­tly to the Holy Father via your President or via  smom.pleas.to.the.pope at gmail.com. All tho­se sup­por­ting mails will be added to the Letter of the Presidents and given to the Holy Father.

Please feel free to share this mail with fel­low mem­bers of our belo­ved Order whom you feel may be inte­re­sted.

I look for­ward to hea­ring from you,

With my best con­fra­ter­nal regards,

Ernst von Freyberg
ernst.freyberg at freymont.de


Caro Magister,

leg­go sem­pre con mol­to inte­res­se quan­to da lei pub­bli­ca­to su Settimo Cielo. Nell’ultimo post mi ha lascia­to un poco per­ples­so il tito­lo. Si trat­ta del­la let­te­ra che 13 Presidenti di asso­cia­zio­ni nazio­na­li dell’Ordine di Malta (Ordine Religioso Cavalleresco Sovrano e Militare) han­no indi­riz­za­to diret­ta­men­te al Sommo Pontefice, invo­can­do anco­ra un inter­ven­to sul­la rifor­ma costi­tu­zio­na­le dell’Ordine.

L’Ordine di Malta è rap­pre­sen­ta­to nel mon­do da 48 asso­cia­zio­ni nazio­na­li, oltre a 6 Gran Priorati e 5 Sottopriorati. In tota­le cir­ca 13.500 mem­bri dell’Ordine in tut­ti i con­ti­nen­ti.

Le 13 asso­cia­zio­ni nazio­na­li i cui Presidenti han­no invia­to la let­te­ra da lei pub­bli­ca­ta, rag­grup­pa­no cir­ca 3.400 mem­bri dell’Ordine. Da que­sti nume­ri la mia per­ples­si­tà sul tito­lo “La qua­si tota­li­tà dell’Ordine di Malta fa appel­lo al Papa…”

Quanto ai con­te­nu­ti, recen­te­men­te in un incon­tro con il Santo Padre, sem­bra evi­den­te che la costi­tu­zio­ne volu­ta dall’attuale gover­no dell’Ordine pri­vi­le­gi le orga­niz­za­zio­ni che rac­col­go­no più quat­tri­ni rispet­to a quel­le che con­ta­no più mem­bri. Un po’ come se la Compagnia di Gesù fos­se domi­na­ta dagli ame­ri­ca­ni che per­met­to­no a scuo­le, uni­ver­si­tà e semi­na­ri di fun­zio­na­re.

Va comun­que ricor­da­to che oltre l’80 per cen­to del patri­mo­nio dell’Ordine si tro­vi in Italia, frut­to di dona­zio­ni di fami­glie patri­zie ita­lia­ne.

Nella let­te­ra si fa poi rife­ri­men­to al ridot­to nume­ro di Professi per giu­sti­fi­ca­re l’opposizione alle ipo­te­si del­la com­mis­sio­ne del­la Santa Sede gui­da­ta dal Cardinale Tomasi. È evi­den­te che una costi­tu­zio­ne deve tra­guar­da­re il futu­ro. Se oggi i Professi sono pochi (anche per il bloc­co del­la pro­fes­sio­ne dei voti por­ta­ta avan­ti dall’attuale gover­no) sarà neces­sa­rio un perio­do tran­si­to­rio duran­te il qua­le il “drap­pel­lo” pos­sa rin­for­zar­si.

La let­te­ra dei 13 Presidenti è sta­ta recen­te­men­te segui­ta da una altra let­te­ra a fir­ma di Ernst von Freyberg, ex pre­si­den­te del­lo IOR, indi­riz­za­ta a un sele­zio­na­to grup­po di mem­bri dell’Ordine, che chie­de a quan­ti più mem­bri pos­si­bi­le di indi­riz­za­re del­le mail al Santo Padre per soste­ne­re la richie­sta dei 13 pre­si­den­ti. Allo sco­po ven­go­no isti­tui­te due casel­le di posta su gmail, evi­den­te­men­te con­trol­la­te da fede­lis­si­mi del gover­no.

Caro Magister, nell’Ordine mol­te sono le voci per nul­la d’accordo con la rifor­ma pro­po­sta dall’interno ma que­ste voci sono sta­te con­si­de­ra­te “divi­si­ve” e mai ascol­ta­te all’interno dei grup­pi di lavo­ro isti­tui­ti dal gover­no dell’Ordine.

Speriamo che il Santo Padre sup­por­ti fino in fon­do il grup­po di lavo­ro gui­da­to dal Cardinale Tomasi e che si pos­sa giun­ge­re in tem­pi bre­vi a una nuo­va costi­tu­zio­ne che per­met­ta all’Ordine di ope­ra­re nel XXI seco­lo seguen­do il suo cari­sma: “Tuitio fidei et obse­quium pau­pe­rum”.

Un caro salu­to.

Uberto Serlupi Crescenzi
Cavaliere di Onore e Devozione in Obbedienza

15 ago­sto 2022 in Campo nell’Elba


Sandro Magister est le vati­ca­ni­ste émé­ri­te de l’heb­do­ma­dai­re L’Espresso.
Tous les arti­cles de son blog Settimo Cielo sont dispo­ni­bles sur ce site en lan­gue fra­nçai­se.

Ainsi que l’in­dex com­plet de tous les arti­cles fra­nçais de www.chiesa, son blog pré­cé­dent.

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Date de publication: 16/08/2022